Something glorious is about to happen.
A team of astronomers and scientist awake on the floor of an observatory orbiting a star about to go supernova. Their memories are missing and as the return one by one, a frantic race against time ensues to uncover the truth before the giant star explodes.
Glorious is a futuristic gothic horror film. As events unfold, each person most come to terms with the revelation of the person they are and how they came to be there.
A short excerpt can be found below:
A team of astronomers and scientist awake on the floor of an observatory orbiting a star about to go supernova. Their memories are missing and as the return one by one, a frantic race against time ensues to uncover the truth before the giant star explodes.
Glorious is a futuristic gothic horror film. As events unfold, each person most come to terms with the revelation of the person they are and how they came to be there.
A short excerpt can be found below:
glorious by Darren White
© Darren White 1999
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Excerpt from motion picture screenplay "glorious":
© 1999 Darren White. All rights reserved.
Oh, let’s not get into some endless psycho-babble debate. What is this? I think therefore I die?
I just don’t see why it has-
An angry siren interrupts IRIS. RALPH stares at the display,
Oh, shit.
The dark-red, planet-sized sun burns coldly in the infinite void. A huge fluffy, candy-floss ball of orange particles shimmers in the diameter the sun used to inhabit. A darker core of near-iron throbs in it’s cold heart.
Suddenly, without warning, the star shrinks violently, in less than the blink of an eye, from tens of thousands of kilometres across to only a few hundred. As it does so, the force of it’s own gravity, itself converting into heat, rips apart the work of over eleven million years of nuclear fusion. The outer globe, its floor pulled from under it, falls in at a quarter of the speed of light as the star shrinks instantaneously.
It shrinks further, squeezing all that mass into a ten kilometre diameter neutron star, essentially a single atomic nucleus. It burns darkly, the stars around it rising to new intensities and seeming to move in as gravity wells contort. The centre of the neutron ball is compressed to densities even greater then those in a nucleus, and a long second later the centre rebounds against the pressure. It pops out, expanding furiously with new light and vigour until it meets the collapsing outer ball head on.
The combining energies burn with the first real anger of the process, erupting out in a new outburst of light. At the centre of the sphere the star burns and contracts. An energetic ball of neutrinos ripples out from it, visible only by the particles they displace, climbing out to eventually join the first, stalled eruption.
In the ten seconds that follow the core shrinks to just a twenty kilometre ball of black neutrons, the first eruption stalls at he surface of the sun - burning and fizzing on the chromosphere’s skin - and the neutrino burst, gaining speed and rising in amplitude eventually smashes into the burning mass of the outer star at the speed of light, completing the job of blowing the outer layers of the star completely away.
The star explodes spherically out, in a totally white flash, taking a huge percentage of it’s remaining mass with it. The erupting white-hot ball seems to repeat the burst of the earlier Matter / Anti-matter drive but on a enormous scale, with powerful eddies and flares raging in its shell. Mass and energy caught in the void between the tiny core and the outer eruption is simply pulled apart.
The huge globe of erupted, ejected mass speeds out frightening quickly, expanding spherically at a twentieth of the speed of light - a distance consuming half a million miles each and every minute. Alpha Orionis, otherwise known as Betelgeuse, known to the scientists as intended Super-Nova candidate Seven, has become the Universes’ latest and deadliest natural disaster.
The siren blares around the dirty chamber.
Oh, my God.
What is it? What’s happened?
A huge X-Ray flash!
Signifying that magnetic fields got tangled and then `reconnected` liberating
a lot of energy in the process, leading to a huge outburst of X-Rays! Just as
we predicted!
But it doesn’t mean anything else, right?
Just as we predicted!
You calculations were correct! What a discovery!
Except that it’s not your discovery.
(points at the incredulous PATIENCE)
It’s hers.
Yes, but it doesn’t mean anything else, right?
It means that the sun just went Supernova.
McGREEDY turns to the windows, the star burns as a tiny red speck in the distance.
It can’t have. It looks the same. Look at it!
That’s old light. Light from the Supernova won’t reach us for over ten minutes.
PATIENCE is still staring opened mouthed at the displays.
RALPH, you were right.
PATIENCE is this alarm what I think it is?
Sure is. It’s something RALPH or IRIS must have rigged. It was set off by-
Tell me later. How long do we have?
Roughly about-
Twenty-seven minutes. I worked it out before hand.
Oh, Jesus, that’s not long. Right, we need to get the fuck out of here now! You get
back to the Wings and prime them.
No, I still haven’t finished the up-link.
Sorry, but we don’t have time.
OK. Conceded.
OK. See you all back at the Wings.
PATIENCE kills the link and run to the wall panel. She unclips the last storage device and begins to pull it from the wall.
Don’t do it PATIENCE. The human race needs all this data.
She can’t hear you.
Put the storage unit back and complete the up-link.
PATIENCE pauses, then pushes the device confidently back into its socket and reactivates it.
All right!
She races to the console and begins to frantically tap at the keys.
Now I don’t know about the rest of you, but when she leaves I’m going with her.
I don’t know what the fuck’s going on here, but I’m sorting it all out back on her ship.
She’s right. I’m going too.
Yeah, me too. Anyone else?
RALPH and IRIS nod quickly in agreement. FAITH thinks for a second and then shrugs in resigned agreement.
What about you AVERY. You’re coming right?
No, it’s over. I’m staying.
PATIENCE moves between them to the console on the wall and pulls out the last storage device. She places it in her bag and zips it up.
But you’ll die here.
I’m already dead, remember.
PATIENCE gives the room one last lingering look then turns and hurries from the it.
Come on. We have to stay close to her.
He’s right. Only she can open doors.
They rush off in her wake, following her closely. RALPH stares back at AVERY as he leaves.
Good luck.
It’s no longer about luck. It’s about faith from here on in.
RALPH gives him a puzzled look, but the others pull him hurriedly away. AVERY turns and looks out towards the faint, distant sun. A hauntingly painful smile crosses his face.